How To Add IPv6 to Your Network Interface in a Cloud Server

You can find all of your IPv4 and IPv6 information related to your Cloud Server in the Network tab.

Network tab in the Heficed Terminal management panel.

How to add IPv6 in CentOS 7/8 Network Interface

1. Log in to your server as the administrator.

2. Navigate to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ directory and open your network interface file. In our example, it is ifcfg-eth0. Details and interface may vary; however, it should look similar to this:

Server terminal displaying network interface file.

3. Add the following lines in the file with your IPv6 address information and save your file:


Configuration should look similar to this in the end:

Server terminal displaying network interface file configuration.

4. Navigate to /etc/cloud/ and open cloud.cfg file. Add these lines at the end of the file and save it:

config: disabled

This prevents your network interface from being reset to a default configuration upon server restart.

5. Restart your network.

6. Test your IPv6 in a cloud server by pinging it to see if it was configured successfully:

Command showing a successfully configured IPv6 that pings.

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