CEO Brief / 09/10/2019

CEO Brief #6

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It’s good to be back! I’m pleased to introduce you to my new blog post in the CEO Brief series.
There’s been quite a lot going on recently. I’ll try to cover most of it and, at the same time, be as specific as possible.

Virtuozzo VPS End of Life

Virtuozzo VPS services are no longer available from December 1st, 2019.

Instead, Heficed customers were granted the possibility to move to Cloud Servers. They not only receive a better and more robust product but a whole year of the same pricing as for Virtuozzo VPS as well.

Why would moving to the cloud be the right decision for your business? Check out the most recent article on this topic.

Stripe 3D Verification

Following the Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) regulation, Heficed has recently implemented 3D authentication. 3D is a secure online payment service available for Visa and MasterCard cards.

That means that any credit card transaction done using 3D will help us avoid charge-back fees and provide much better protection against fraudulent transactions from around the globe.

Nigeria Location

We‘re almost ready with the new African location – Nigeria. The racks prepared and IP transit providers were also made to light up the fiber. Within a few weeks, we are going to have servers up and running.

Bare Metal Provisioning Time – Only 30 minutes

We‘re glad to announce that bare-metal server provisioning time reduced to only 30 minutes. In comparison to the previously 12-24 hours, it‘s a huge step forward. I believe this massive improvement is an excellent example that many things can always be improved. Congratulations team!

Travel Plans

Heficed team is going to attend three conferences in the last months of 2019. These are:

  • Abuse management conference
  • ARIN 44 and NANOG 77 in Austin, TX (both at the same time)
  • And lastly, ICANN66 in Montreal.

We’ll start planning our 2020 event schedule next month.
Are you going to participate in the same events as well? Drop us a message!

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CEO Brief / 09/10/2019
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CEO Brief / 09/10/2019
CEO Brief #6